Saturday, January 16, 2010

忍者 | Ren Zhe | Ninja

曲: 周杰倫
Qu: Zhou Jie Lun
Music: Jay Chou

Ci: Fang Wen Shan
Lyrics: Vincent Fang

Translation: candy –

居 酒 屋 裡 的 小 神 龕
ju jiu wu de xiao shen kan
The little shrine in the izakaya (*1)

離 鋪 滿 鵝 卵 石 的 玄 關
li pu man e luan shi de xuan guan
Is nearly one metre wide of belief

差 不 多 一 米 寬 的 信 仰
cha bu duo yi mi kuan de xin yang
From the cobble spread porch

我 坐 著 喝 味 噌 湯
wo zuo zhe he wei zhen tang
I was sitting there drinking miso soup

在 旁 觀 看 庭 園 假 山
zai pang guan kan ting yuan jia shan
By the side looking at the courtyard and miniature hills

京 都 的 夜 晚 有 一 種
jing du de ye wan you yi zhong
In the evening of Kyoto

榻 榻 米 的 稻 香
ta ta mi de dao xiang
There's a type of straw smell from the tatami

叫 做 禪
jiao zuo chan
That's called zen

(那 裡 ) 神 社 許 願
(na li) shen she xu yuan
(Where) I was praying at the shrine

閃 過 一 個 畫 面
shan guo yi ge hua mian
There was a flash of image

(這 裡 ) 忍 者 矇 著 臉
(zhe li) ren zhe meng zhe lian
(Here) a ninja with his face covered

在 角 落 吹 暗 箭
zai jiao luo chui an jian
Was in the corner blowing out darts

(心 裡 ) 幕 府 又 重 現
(xin li) mu fu you chong xian
(In the heart) the shogunate has reappeared

從 前 老 東 京 那 條 山 手 線
cong qian lao dong jing na tiao shan shou xian
The yamanote line of old Tokyo in the past

像 一 齣 懷 舊 的 默 片
xiang yi chu huai jiu de mo pian
It's like a silent film in the old times

yi he liu ren zhe de xiang fa
Ninja igaryu's idea

zhi hui yong wu shi dao bi hua
Would only fight with his warrior sword

我一個人在家 / 乖乖的學插花
wo yi ge ren zai jia / guai guai de xue cha hua
I'm alone at home, obediently practicing ikebana (*2)

hai hai hai, wakarimashita
Yes yes yes, I understand

ichi, ni, san, shi
1, 2, 3, 4

樱 花 落 满 地
ying hua luo man di
The ground was covered with cherry blossoms

有 一 种 神 秘
you yi zhong shen mi
There's a mysterious feeling

凝 结 了 空 气
ning jie le kong qi
That condenses the air

ichi, ni, san, shi
1, 2, 3, 4

黑 夜 里 偷 袭 去 攻 击
hei ye li tou xi, qu gong ji
Attacking at night by surprise

烟 雾 当 武 器
yan wu dang wu qi
using smoke as weapons

ichi, ni, san, shi
1, 2, 3, 4

忍 者 的 物 语
ren zhe de wu yu
A ninja's story

要 切 断 过 去
yao qie duan guo qu
Have to cut off from his past

忠 心 是 唯 一
zhong xin shi wei yi
There is solely loyalty

ichi, ni, san, shi
1, 2, 3, 4

隐 身 要 彻 底
yin shen yao che di
Have to completely hide in disguise

要 忘 记 / 什 么 是 自 己
yao wang ji / shen me shi zi ji
Have to forget who he is


(*1) izakaya - japanese pub/restaurant
(*2) ikebana - flower arrangement

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